Fri Sep 30

Make sure you email me up to:

draw square board with () rows of tiles of size ()

along with:

go to starting place for board

If you are having problems, you can look at my project to see how I did it:

If done, as a bonus, go through:

Email me your answers for 1-4. Then make sure you do 5-7:

draw gameboard with () tiles

And email me your Snap! project.


Draw Tic-Tac-Toe gameboard

Today, we will be looking building on our draw square procedure to creating a Tic-Tac-Toe gameboard. If you get a little lost in the lesson, you can follow along here:

This will probably take you 1-2 classes to complete, so take your time and try to get it done right. Your assignment needs to have the 3 following procedures:

  • tile of size (size)
  • row of
  • draw square board with () rows of tiles of size ()
  • go to starting place for board

Try experimenting with different game board sizes (number of rows/cols) and sizes of squares.

This assignment is due on Fri Sep 30.

Tech boom in BC, high wages

A couple of great articles for you all to look at, the first on the booming tech sector here in BC, more employees than forestry, mining, oil/gas:

This second article about the rising wages:

“VFX artists are averaging $105,000 per year, while senior animators are averaging $93,000.”

“Software developers with just two to four years of experience are earning an average salary of $75,400, while those with four or more years of experience are bringing home an average of $93,900 per year”

That is more money that I make! Maybe I should go back to being a software developer😦

Computer Programming Language Quiz

Please take the following quiz. Make sure you enter your name and student id in the first field. Once you finish the quiz, it will tell you right away your mark. I will only grade your first submission.

After the quiz, I will briefly go over the following in Snap!:

  • create a custom block
  • allowing user input into the custom block


If you are having problems with the above, here is the code for drawsquareprocedure:


What is computer programming

Today, I will go over the following information page on what is a programming language. I will play the videos and explain some of the details.

Then please go ahead and complete the 12 question quiz here, being careful to study the answers:

On Friday, I will create a quiz based on the content and quiz above. Remember, quizzes are worth 20% of your mark.

If you struggled a little bit on Snap!, here are links to the first 2 lessons:


Snap Day 2

Today, we will go over the following in Snap:

  • have a sprite following the mouse
  • control what happens when a sprite touches another sprite
  • drawing a square
  • creating your own custom block
  • entering text, as an input variable for your custom block


When done, please share your assignment, create a tinyURL for it, then email me the link.

Tomorrow, we will do a short lecture on What is a Computer Programming Language.

Snap! Day 1

Today is our first lesson using Snap! If you used Scratch last year, then using Snap! will be easy. I will give about 2 tutorial lessons in Snap! before I give you your first main assignment.

Create a login for Snap! ( and then begin the tutorial. Your project needs to have:

  1. When the program starts (flag clicked), Alonzo says ‘click me’ to start
  2. Alonzo changing costumes when clicked (flipped)
  3. Shared and a custom TinyURL (

Your assignment is due by Mon Sep 15. Please email the tinyURL link to your shared Snap! project.

Next class we will work on a tutorial on drawing.

First Classroom Assignment

This is the post excerpt.

As mentioned in class, whenever I mark assignments, I will send you an email with your mark and feedback. Therefore, I need your email address.

For your first classroom assignment, please complete the following:

1. Write an email using your preferred email software (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc..)

2. Address it to (my email address)

3. Write a paragraph that outlines the following:

– why you chose this class as your elective

– what do you think the terms “coding” and computer programming mean? Define them in your own words.

– do you have any experience with coding and computer programming? If so, please list the languages and explain how you learned it and what you like about it.

– Do you prefer Android or Apple and why.

– Do you prefer Windows PC, Apple, or Linux and why.


I will reply to your first assignment with a mark and some comments.